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ABC (千如)

ABC (千如)

ABC千如机电工业股份有限公司于 1979 年成立以来,专注电感器本业之研发、生产与全球营销,秉持「服务创新 追求卓越」的经营理念,透过「以人为本」的群体创业运作,坚守「有千如就满足」的核心价值,掌握电感产品的核心技术,并以「创造发展世界级电感工业」为愿景,专注电感器本业,孜孜不倦、崇本务实,一切从根源做起,并奉行「Only the paranoid survive」(唯执著者生存)的座右铭,于今,ABC千如堪称立足于电感组件业,规模初具,两岸三地共计四个厂,营销方面设有美国子公司及全球营销通路,产品销售全球,并于今(2004)年十二月初股票上柜。长期以来,承客户之爱护与支持、第三方的协助、产业界先进的指导与社会各界的爱护,在此表达由衷的感谢。

ABC-- from the President of ABC~~~

Founded in 1979, ABC concentrates on the research, development, and production of Inductors for the global market. The company embraces a concept - “Stem of humanist”- which encourages every employee to take part in product innovation and production since we believe that employees are the company's most valuable asset in developing a world class company. ABC also believes in “only the paranoid survive, ” a belief that in order to stay competitive in the high tech industry, ABC must stay competitive in order to fulfill the goal of ”ABC means satisfactory”. 

ABC has four factories in China and Taiwan and a branch office in the U.S. which enables us to serve our customers locally. A team of worldwide sales representatives also allows us to stay better connected to our customers and establishes a mutually beneficial global marketing network. ABC's stock listed on Taiwan Gretai market (OTC market) as of December, 2004, signifying a new stage reached by our employees and management Also, we would like to sincerely thank our customers, suppliers, and industrial pioneers for their long-term support and guidance. Without their help, we would not have made it to this next stage.
ABC applies “Creativity from Best Employee” to our everyday management policy. We vigorously train our staff. By becoming a public traded company, we expect to attract more qualified employees. Also, by becoming a public-traded company we gain easier access to raise capital to support our growth at the next stage. Still, we will move forward to meet our investor's expectation and need of growth for our employee. We will turn our current success into the thrust for future growth. We have done well so far. And, we will do it better.

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